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For section 1.6, I was wondering whther the recommendation is clear/specific enough. For example, are you going to tell us something like "We recommend the title tag of the category pages to include just the category name." (我想知道你们的网站优化解决方案是否明确具体,比如会不会象这样的话“我们建议目录页面的title标签包含目录名称”?)

The solution must be executable. for example we will not only tell you the exact content of title tag for each kind of page but also show you the demo of the amended pages by illustrating. Further more, we will give reasons for each amending.(我们的网站优化解决方案务必是可直接用于实施的方案。例如,我们不仅要在方案中告知每类页面的title的具体写法,并且以页面截图方式显示修改后的页面效果,不仅如此,我们还会给出每个修改的原因)

You have mentioned website usability several times. While important, and while we'd welcome these ideas, the focus should be more heavily on other areas like on page and off page optimization and site wide required changes. Pls let me know whether my assumption is correct...(你们多次提到用户易用性usability这个概念。这个当然很重要我们也表示欢迎,不过重点是否应该在页面优化因素上,不知道我说得对不对……)

In fact usability idea is basicly accord with SEO. For example,we usually say putting the most important description content on top of the page or at the first place of left layout, which is just because search engine spiders index the content in this way. And user's reading habit is also from the top to bottom and from left to right. This is just the reason why we say SEO should be user-oriented, because search engine's arithmetic depends on users' behaviour and habit. Therefore,we stress usability more than other SEOs because we deeply understand search engine arithmetic.(实际上网站易用性思想从根本上是与搜索引擎优化一致的,例如我们通常说将最重要的信息放在页面上部或者页面左边布局,因为搜索引擎是以这样的方式抓取信息,而用户的阅读习惯也是从上到下从左至右。这就是为什么我们总是说SEO以用户为中心,因为搜索引擎排名算法是依据用户的浏览习惯。因此新竞争力比其它作优化的公司更加强调网站易用性,因为我们深深理解搜索引擎排名算法)



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